Houston Museum of Natural Science Tickets, Houston, TX
5555 Hermann Park Drive • Houston, TX 77030
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Immerse yourself in history and explore the natural world – all at Houston Museum of Natural Science. Experience educational showcases and interactive displays designed for everyone to enjoy. Its five floors of permanent exhibit halls include Ancient Egypt, Texas Wildlife, the Americas and one of the largest collections of dinosaurs in the United States.
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The Museum opens at 9:00 a.m. Closing hours vary throughout the year. Please see the calendar above for the Museum's current hours when selecting your tickets. Hours are subject to change. Please note, the last entry is 30 minutes prior to closing.
Yes, the Museum is free from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays. The last entry is at 7:30 p.m.
It is located at 5555 Hermann Park Drive, Houston Texas. They are also serviceable via public transportation. Please visit the Metro Trip Planner's website if you would like to help plan your trip to HMNS (including current fare prices).
When you visit the Houston Museum of Natural Science, you're not just going to one place. You're exploring tropical rainforests and worlds galaxies away. You're going back in time to when dinosaurs walked the Earth and blasting forward to the future of renewable energy. With five floors of permanent halls and a steady rotation of traveling special exhibits, this Houston attraction will take you beyond its walls to experience the wonder and delight of science.
The best times to visit are right when the Museum opens (9:00 a.m.) during the week, especially on Mondays. The Museum can be pretty crowded on weekends, during holidays, and during their free hours on Thursday. During weekdays in the spring, the halls may be crowded with school groups visiting on field trips.
Yes, the Museum provides access for guests with disabilities. Visit the Museum Services desk for help with accommodations. Child-sized, adult-sized, and bariatric wheelchairs are available for visitors to borrow at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. You may check a wheelchair out at Museum Services just inside the main entrance to the Permanent Exhibit Halls in exchange for an ID. There is a wheelchair ramp outside the main entrance of the Museum. If you are entering the Museum from the parking garage, a security guard will give you access to a ramp leading to the exhibit halls where you can proceed to the box office in the Grand Hall. There are no strollers allowed in their Planetarium, Giant Screen Theater, or Butterfly Center, but they will always provide a place for you to store them while you enjoy the shows or exhibits!
There are accessibility offerings for sensory sensitive, blind/low vision, and deaf/hard of hearing guests.
No, pets are not permitted. However, Houston Museum of Natural Science welcomes service animals that are trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability unless the animal poses a direct threat, is not housebroken, or is not under control. Emotional support/comfort/therapy animals and pets are not permitted anywhere in the building. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless these devices interfere with the service animal's work or the individual's disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. Service animal relief areas are located outdoors on any grassy areas surrounding the Museum.
Yes, you can! Although please help to preserve the collections for the next generation by not using flash when taking personal pictures. Exposure to strong lights over time causes fading and deterioration of most artifacts and specimens. Flash photography is ONLY allowed in the Grand Hall and the rainforest of the Cockrell Butterfly Center. Selfie sticks are not allowed anywhere inside the Museum.
Yes, parking is available for a small fee. All-day parking for non-members is $20.
Be sure to plan ahead for lunch – they do not allow food or drink in their exhibit halls. You may either pack a lunch and keep it stored in a bag that you carry with you until lunchtime, keep a lunch stored in your car until lunchtime, or purchase lunch from Elements Grill or Periodic Table.
Your Permanent Exhibit Hall ticket gives you access to an exit and re-enter the Permanent Exhibit Halls throughout the day, so feel free to eat lunch and return to the Museum.